UPDATED 5/23/2023: On Windows 11 build 25370 and higher releases, you can enable a preview of the new personalization settings page that allows you to control the RGB lighting on your computer.
In future releases of the operating system, the development team plans to add native support to control RGB light accessories on Windows 11, usually found on gaming computers. The settings will allow users to configure accessories with RGB lighting (for example, light strips, RGB light bulbs, and PC case lighting) without third-party proprietary software.
Twitter user Albacore first spotted the feature hidden on the preview build 25295, and it’s now back again on build 25370. The new “Lighting” settings page is located inside the “Personalization” section in the Settings app, and depending on the accessories, you will be able to control brightness, effects, and color, and there’s even an option to match the Windows 11 system color.
Although there are many applications you can choose to control the RGB lighting on your computer (such as those from Corsair, Logitech, Asus, Razer, and some other open-source), some of them are proprietary software and won’t let you manage other accessories brands.
If you want to get hands-on with the new feature, you can use a third-party tool called “ViveTool” created by Rafael Rivera and Lucas on GitHub, to enable the option on your computer.
This guide will teach you the steps to turn on this new feature on Windows 11.
Enable RGB Lighting settings on Windows 11
To enable the new RGB Lighting settings on Windows 11, use these steps:
Download the ViveTool-vx.x.x.zip file to enable the Lighting settings.
Double-click the zip folder to open it with File Explorer.
Click the Extract all button.
Click the Extract button.
Copy the path to the folder.
Open Start.
Search for Command Prompt, right-click the top result, and select the Run as administrator option.
Type the following command to navigate to the ViveTool folder and press Enter:
cd c:\folder\path\ViveTool-v0.x.x
In the command, remember to change the path to the folder with your path.
Type the following command to enable the RGB lighting settings for gaming and press Enter:
vivetool /enable /id:35262205
Restart the computer.
Once you complete the steps, you will find a new “Lighting” page in the “Personalization” section of the Settings app where you can manage the different RGB settings available, such as brightness, effects, color, and more.
If you change your mind, you can revert the changes with the same instructions, but on step 10, make sure to run the vivetool /disable /id:35262205
command and then restart the computer.
Update May 23, 2023: This guide has been revised to indicate that feature is still under development, and you can still enable a preview in the latest preview of Windows 11 from the Canary Channel.