On Windows 11 build 22635.3420, Microsoft is exploring moving the entry point for the Widgets icon and side panel to the right side of the Taskbar, and you can enable this new experience with a few clicks.
The new location only appears when the Taskbar aligns to the left side. The idea is to show the same dynamic content for weather and other information in the same way as when aligning the Taskbar items to the center.
If the new experience looks familiar, it is because it’s the same place where Windows 10 has the “News and Interests” feature.
In this guide, I will teach you the steps to move the Widgets experience to the right side on Windows 11.
Move Widgets to the right of the Taskbar on Windows 11
Microsoft is gradually rolling out the new visual changes for the Widgets experience, so you can use the Settings app to change the alignment, or you may also have to use the ViveTool (via @PhantomOfEarth) to enable the changes.
Align Widgets to the right
To align the Widgets icon and panel to the right of the Taskbar, use these steps:
Open Settings.
Click on Personalization.
Click the Taskbar page.
Turn on the Widgets toggle switch from the “Taskbar items” setting (if applicable).
Click the Taskbar behaviors setting.
Select the Left option in the “Taskbar alignment” setting to move Widgets to the right side.
Once you complete the steps, the Widgets icon with the weather information should appear on the right side of the Taskbar.
If the icon still appears on the left, use the steps below to use the ViveTool to enable the new entry point.
Enable Widgets to the right
To enable the new Widgets location on Windows 11, use these steps:
Download the ViveTool-vx.x.x.zip file to enable the new Settings’ Home.
Double-click the zip folder to open it with File Explorer.
Click the Extract all button.
Click the Extract button.
Copy the path to the folder.
Open Start.
Search for Command Prompt, right-click the top result, and select the Run as administrator option.
Type the following command to navigate to the ViveTool folder and press Enter:
cd c:\folder\path\ViveTool-v0.x.x
In the command, remember to change the path to the folder with your path.
Type the following command to enable the new changes and press Enter:
vivetool /enable /id:48468527,48468541,48660958
Restart the computer.
Once you complete the steps, the Taskbar icons will align to the left, and the Widgets icons will move to the right. In addition, the side panel will now slide in from the right side.
If you change your mind, you can revert the changes with the same instructions, but on step 10, make sure to use the vivetool /disable /id:48468527,48468541,48660958
command and then restart the computer.
Although the new visual changes aim to show the same content in the icon regardless of the position, having two designs for the same feature only confuses users and makes it feel like Microsoft doesn’t know what to do with this feature.
In this particular case, Microsoft should give the widgets a full-screen experience with a center alignment regardless of where the button is located, and the weather information should be part of the time and date flyout.
An alternative would be making the Widgets dashboard an app like it was on Windows 7, which also included the ability to drag and place the widgets on the desktop. In the past, there have been rumors that Microsoft would bring support for widgets to the desktop, but this hasn’t happened yet.
Do you like the new design change for Widgets? Share your thoughts in the comments.