If you use the desktop version of the Office apps, including Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, and you’re connected using an OneDrive account, there is a chance to run into the “Upload blocked”, “Sign into save this file”, or “Save a copy” error message.
If you receive any of the above messages, then a problem has occurred with the service connection. Although none of the errors will explain the reason, you can quickly resolve the issue by removing and reconnecting your OneDrive account.
In this guide, you’ll learn the steps to resolve the error message that will prevent new documents from saving and uploading to your OneDrive account on Windows 10.
How to fix document upload block error with Office
To resolve the “Upload blocked”, “Sign into save this file” or “Save a copy” error message in Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, use these steps:
Open a Word document (or the app showing the error).
Click on File.
Click on Account.
Under the “Connected Services” section, select the OneDrive account and click the Remove service option.
Office (Word) remove OneDrive account Quick tip: Repeat this steps to remove all the OneDrive accounts if applicable.
Use the “Add a service” drop-down menu, select the Storage option, and select the OneDrive (or “OneDrive for Business” if that’s the service you’re using) option.
Office (Word) reconnect OneDrive account -
Continue with the on-screen directions to sign in.
Once you complete the steps, restart the Office apps, and you should now be able to create and save documents to OneDrive.
If you’re still having the same issue, it’s recommended to check for updates on File > Account > Office Updates > Updates Options and selecting the Update Now option.